Nucleic Acid Extraction
Committed to becoming a leader in the precision diagnosis industry
ctDNA Extraction Kit
Product Introduction
The ctDNA enrichment and extraction kit can accurately capture and isolate the circulating genetic material in blood for liquid biopsy purposes.
Product Name
Nucleic acid extraction reagent English name: Udx ctDNA Kit
[Model] ctDNA-01 [Specification] 50 test/box [Product No.] USK-1004
[Model] ctDNA-02 [Specification] 200 test/box [Product No.] USK-1005
Features and Advantages
Efficient, with a recovery rate of up to 90%;
Quick, the entire process only takes 45 minutes;
High purity, extracted DNA can be directly used for biology experiments.;
Cost-effective, higher than the vast majority of similar products in China;
Convenient storage, can be stored at room temperature for 12 months
[Production Filing Certificate No.] No. 20180046
[Medical Device Filing Certificate No./Product Technical Requirements No.] No. 20180206
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